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Case Studies: P-R

Case Studies

Here you can find a variety of case studies on the subject of innovation.

Some of these are written by us, and others by collaborators and colleagues. To discuss any of these studies further please do get in touch via our contact page.

Patient and Nurse

Patient innovation

Patients are increasingly recognised as a source of innovation and this led Pedro Oliveira and colleagues to establish a network of such user innovators. In this video interview Pedro talks about PI and on their website you can find an introductory video about the principles and also an extensive library of case examples

EpisodeArt_Peanut-powered innovation_3.jpeg

Peanut powered innovation

Podcast telling the story of Washington Carver and his pioneering work on diffusion of agricultural innovations.  You can find a transcript here

Recycling Pick Up


Innovation for the Environment.

Cartoons in the Air


One of the most successful animation studios in the world. Recently bought by Disney, it has a long track record of innovation and this case explores some of the underlying management approaches which it has learned and embedded.


Philips Lighting - Radical Innovation

Implementing radical change – case (written by the change management team leader) describing attempts to open up new innovation space by radically reframing the concept of lighting within its core division.

Long Train Ride

Philips Sustainability Journey

A detailed case looking at the journey of a giant corporation towards embedding sustainability as a key driver of innovation.  Written by the manager responsible for leading this change process.

Trees and Cliff

Philips - Systems building for sustainability

A detailed case looking at the journey of a giant corporation towards embedding sustainability as a key driver of innovation.  Written by the manager responsible for leading this change process.



The problems which eventually dragged a famous technological innovator down into Chapter 11 bankruptcy are well-described in this presentation by Christian Sandstrom of Chalmers University.

Hospital Corridor

Process Innovation in a Hospital Setting

Two doctors talk about their experience in introducing process improvement innovations in Torbay hospital in the UK. You can find the transcript of the interview here.

Office Meeting

Public sector innovation

Innovation is essential in public services, both to deliver the ‘more for less’ agenda and to offer radical alternative approaches to major social and economic issues.


Quality function deployment at Lexus

Case/activity using QFD – quality function deployment – to explore innovation in the luxury car maker, Lexus..

Diabetes Self Management Program

Radical innovation in the health service

Radical innovation in the health service – the Bolton diabetes care prototype: A study exploring the innovation challenge in the UK healthcare sector.


Red Button Design

Case study of an entrepreneurial venture established to try and solve problems of delivering fresh drinking water in developing countries.

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