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Radio Interview



Here you can find audio versions of interviews with a wide variety of people talking about innovation management  - click on the links to hear more

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Connect the dots - an interview with Catharina van Delden

Catharina is the CEO and founder of Innosabi, a successful software business specialising in the innovation field.  In this interview she talks about her new book 'Connect the dots' which has the subtitle 'Agile innovation and collaborative ecosystems'.

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Connect and develop - an interview with Roy Sandbach, research fellow, Procter and Gamble

Roy has a long and varied career but much of it was spent in P&G.  In this interview he talks about the early days of 'Connect and develop' and the explorations towards an open innovation strategy within the conpany.


You can find the transcript of the interview here.

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Image by Rohan Makhecha

David Hall talking about entrepreneurship

In this piece David shares some of his experience around entrepreneurship. 


You can find the transcript of the interview here

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Using patient experience in healthcare innovation

Lynne Maher describes her work for the UK's National Health Service Institute for Innovation and Improvement in the field of user-led innovation


You can find a transcript of the interview here



Lynne moved to New Zealand where she is now Innovation Director at a major hospital.  She gave another interiew on her innovation experience which you can find here







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Helen King and Tobias Rooney talking about using foresight methods in the Irish food industry

In this interview Helen and Tobias talk about how they work with scenarios and other futures tools


You can find a transcript of the interview here


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Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Tim Craft talks about being a user innovator

Tim is Medical Director of the Royal United Hospital in Bath and he's also founder of a successful company, Anaesthetic Medical Supplies.  In this interview he talks about healthcare innovation and especially the challenges in being a user innovator.


Part 1 of the interview is here

and part 2 is here


You can find a transcript of the interview here


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Reading Map on Mobile

David Overton talks about open innovation in the geographical information sector

David Overton talks about the UK's Ordnance Survey, a government body which is responsible for maps and geographical information.  With the explosion of interest in this sector the agency has opened up its approach to innovation including exploring commercial possibilities


You can find a transcript of the interview here


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Jacob Thomson talks about the changing landscape for teaching and coaching innovation and entrepreneurship skills

In this interview, carried out by Olga Kokshagina, Jacob explains how his role as a lecturer is changing and speculates on some of the emerging future challenges.  This forms part of the  EU VISION project which has been exploring the changing landscape of education and training in innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship towards 2030.





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