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Blog/podcast stories
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John Bessant
Apr 9, 20218 min read
Innovation - a question of balance
Imagine the scene. Crowds looking up, craning their necks to see against the blinding sunlight glistening in the spray. The roar of...

John Bessant
Mar 27, 20211 min read
Flirting with new ideas
Next time it starts to rain and you reach for your folding umbrella spare a thought for Slawa Duldig. She was the Viennese sculptress...

John Bessant
Mar 4, 20218 min read
A curious blend of innovation….
The kitchen blender has a lot to answer for. These days there are plenty of experiments with what you can cram into the jug and then...

John Bessant
Feb 4, 202111 min read
Striking an innovation chord…
I don’t know about you but I’m spending a lot of time listening these days. As my physical room to move about contracts (thanks to...

John Bessant
Jan 5, 20219 min read
Bags of ideas
David Attenborough was on TV last night, another wonderful documentary called ‘ A perfect planet’. The core theme is how diverse forces...

John Bessant
Nov 30, 20209 min read
Partying with innovation
There haven’t been many winners during the Covid-19 pandemic. Businesses, particularly in travel and entertainment have been hit hard. ...

John Bessant
Nov 7, 20207 min read
Peanut-powered innovation
Tuskegee, Alabama. Not the world’s most attractive farming country. And certainly not in the view of a young man looking out of the...

John Bessant
Oct 6, 20209 min read
London Bridge isn’t falling down…
London bridge isn’t falling down…. London Bridge isn’t falling down. In fact it’s in excellent health considering it straddled the river...

John Bessant
Aug 17, 20209 min read
The birth of the internet …
No-one knows exactly but it’s a pretty fair guess that at any moment several hundred million people are communicating with each other,...

John Bessant
Jul 31, 20208 min read
An innovation birthday card…
(Video version here…) We’re cutting it fine but right at the end of July it’s still worth pausing for a moment to think some ‘Happy...

John Bessant
Jul 20, 202010 min read
Scaling innovation
Successful innovators make mistakes.  Even though they’ve learned and built routines and capabilities they can still get it wrong....

John Bessant
Jul 5, 202013 min read
The birth of the bike…
Bicycles are big business. It’s hard to get an exact figure but estimates suggest there are around 2 billion bikes in the world today –...

John Bessant
May 28, 202012 min read
Sweeping the floor with innovation
When did you last use your Spangler? That’s a question designed to stop most people in their tracks and likely to be met by mystified...

John Bessant
Mar 19, 20197 min read
‘The best thing since sliced bread…..’
People often use this phrase when talking about an innovation and the impact they hope it will have. But what’s the story behind sliced...
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