VIDEO Interviews
John Bessant video library
You can find a wide range of my video material on my YouTube channel here .
Below you can find interviews with people from a wide range of backgrounds who have been kind enough ti share their experiences of trying to wo with innovation...
Postcards from the open innovation frontier
An interview with David Simoes-Brown, Founder of 100% Open. The ideas behind 'open innovation' aren't new - innovation has always been a multi-player game. Smart innovators recognise that 'not all the smart people work for us' and have been exploring ways of managing knowledge flows in to and out from their organizations. David has been involved in this journey form the earliest days of experiments at the turn of the century and in this interview he shares some of the emerging lessons and good practices which he has observed.
Managing innovation – an interview with Catharina van Delden
​Innosabi is a successful software business in Germany, offering support for agile innovation to a number of organizations - see https://innosabi.com/en/ for details of their company. Catharina founded the company ten years ago and it has grown to over 50 employees, winning a number of awards along the way for being one of the best start-ups in the country.
Yes - You Can Innovate! An interview with Natalie Turner
Natalie Turner is a writer, speaker, innovation consultant and coach. In this interview we explore some of the core themes in her book 'Yes you can innovate' and look at some of the challenges facing organizations trying to innovate in today's complex and difficult environment.
Collaborative innovation
An interview with Sarah Kelly, Senior innovation Manager, Liberty Global. One of the challenges facing innovation managers is to help create the kind of culture in which innovation becomes 'the way we do things around here'. It's easy enough when you are working with a specialist team of innovation professionals - but what happens when you try to involve the whole workforce?
Innovation in healthcare
An interview with Lynne Maher, Clinical Director for Innovation, Ko Awatea, Auckland, New Zealand. Innovation in healthcare affects us all. And implementing change in such a complex system is often difficult. In this interview Lynne reflects on her extensive experience of trying to manage and enable innovation in a number of different settings and shares some advice for others working in the sector.
How to build a hyper-connected community
An interview with Gaurag and Divya Garg, founders of LetsLocalise. LetsLocalise is a digital platform that responds to the increasing funding shortages facing schools in the UK, by seeking to connect them with the untapped goodwill within their local communities. It began life in the Wokingham area, a small town to the west of London - but their ambition is to scale the venture, establishing it as a key social resource across the country.
'Totaled' and the story of Better Place
An interview with Brian Blum about his book. Better Place was one of the brightest start-ups in the electric vehicle space, looking to offer a revolutionary approach to range anxiety through a network of battery swap stations. But despite backing at the highest level and huge financial investment it failed. Brian's book describes this and explores why. There is a case study of Better Place to accompany this interview and explore the wider background
Sustainability and innovation
An interview with Michael Pitts of InnovateUK, the government agency responsible for innovation promotion in the UK. He talks here about the key challenges which sustainability poses for innovation management and explores some of the approaches his organization is taking to help. An interview with Michael Pitts of InnovateUK, the government agency responsible for innovation promotion in the UK. He talks here about the key challenges which sustainability poses for innovation management and explores some of the approaches his organization is taking to help.
Managing innovation
An interview with Patrick McLaughlin, Managing Director, Cerulean. In this video Patrick talks about the challenges of organizing and managing innovation in a medium-sized manufacturing business. He looks at issues like the challenge of search and selection of projects and particularly the difficulties of enabling a radical innovation culture.
Engaging employees in innovation
An interview with Emma Taylor, DMK. Employees represent a rich potential source of innovation - but we have to find ways of ta[ping in to this potential. In this interview Emma talks about her experience in a large automotive components company trying to increase the focus on innovation.
User-led entrepreneurship
Interview with Mandy Haberman, founder of Haberman Global Innovations. Mandy Haberman is the epitome of a user innovator. Her first invention, the Haberman® Feeder, was the result of her very personal experience as a mother to a child with Stickler Syndrome. Frustrated with the options available to feed her daughter, Haberman innovated. Her story is not a unique one. Patient innovators ‘solve problems in a practical way’ regularly, as a response to their own particular needs. However, it is a complex process to take those products to market and diffuse them to the mainstream.
Collaborative innovation
‘With every pair of hands you get a free brain!’ This flash of the blindingly obvious underpins the growing awareness in organizations of the huge potential their employees offer in terms of contributing to the innovation story. But mobilising such high involvement innovation wasn’t always easy - until the arrival of powerful collaborative platforms to enable it. These days organizations can engage thousands of people, not just amongst their workforce but out into their supply chains or customer base. Collaborative innovation offers organizations of all shapes and sizes – public, private, commercial and not-for-profit – the chance to accelerate and focus their innovation efforts. But success is about much more than adopting and deploying a powerful tool; it requires skills and capabilities to use it well. In this interview Colin Nelson, Chief Consulting Officer for Hype (a major provider of innovation platforms) talks about the opportunities and also the strategic challenges for organizations exploring high involvement innovation.