Innovation Tools
As someone working or studying in the field of innovation, you probably already know that there exists a wealth of tools and techniques to help you find your way through the innovation maze.
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
An early version of a prototype which can give a user the basic idea of form and functionality of an innovation. It provides the opportunity to start a conversation and obtain feedback, and allows the innovator to test ideas early. Examples might be a sketch, a physical mock-up, a draft website, etc. Eric Ries, who pioneered the lean start-up approach defines it as “The version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.”
MVPs can be classified in terms of their being 'low fidelity' - simple early prototypes which give a basic look and feel test or more advanced 'high fidelity' MVPs which carry more detail and can be used to test key features.
Variations on the idea include the 'concierge MVP' which uses people to reproduce the experience of a new product or service - they simulate what may finally become an automated or online process but can give the suer a sense of the experience they will receive. Or the 'Wizard of Oz' MVP in which users have no idea how the experience is being created; although it is being simulated by human beings their activity is hidden from view, rather like the 'wizard' behind the curtain in the film 'The Wizard of Oz'.