Innovation Tools
As someone working or studying in the field of innovation, you probably already know that there exists a wealth of tools and techniques to help you find your way through the innovation maze.
Portfolio Management Tools
Portfolio Management (PM) techniques are systematic ways of looking at a set of projects or activities or even business units, in order to reach an optimum balance between risks and returns, stability and growth, attractions and drawbacks in general, by making the best use of usually limited resources.
PRFAQ (Press Release and Frequently Asked Questions) framework
PRFAQ (Press Release and Frequently Asked Questions) framework is a methodology popularised by Amazon for product development and innovation. This approach prioritises defining the product and its value proposition from the customer's perspective before development begins. There’s a detailed account in the book by Marcelo Calbucci "The PRFAQ Framework" which adapts Amazon's original concept into a comprehensive system suitable for various roles including founders, product managers, and executives.
Problem solving - the McKinsey approach
A useful explanation and introduction to the McKinsey problem solving approach adapted for the needs of product development managers